There are many functions available for Time, Month, Day, and Year. Below are a few examples.
# Find out the Current Time
t =
# Find out the Month, Day, or Year individually
puts t.mon.to_s + "/" + + "/" + t.year.to_s
# Find out the UTC
puts t.utc
#User Formatted Characters
# the String For Time function allows you to mix text with data
puts t.strftime("The Document print data is %m/%d/%Y")
# Another way to Display the Month Day, Year
puts t.strftime("%b %d, %Y")

Deploying Rails 5.x on AWS ElasticBeanstalk using AWS CodeCommit
How to deploy your Rails app on ElasticBeanstalk (including S3 buckets, security groups, load balancers, auto-scalling groups and more) using CodeCommit.

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