P2P for good

What do Skype, Spotify, and Joost have in common?  They're companies using P2P technology for good.  Yup, that's right.  Contrary to popular belief, P2P is not the great evil content distributors would like you to think.  It's merely a hammer that can be used for both good/bad, and I'm on a side that believes that P2P can help improve people's digital experiences. For the next couple of months, you'll probably see me post a ton of ambiguous quotes and 1/2 plain facts about the intricacies of person-to-person sharing.  At first glance, the possibilities seem endless, and well, now it's time to see what is available considering: time, scope, and resources. So without further adieu, time to learn about OSI Layers, UDP, TCP, and Multicasting, Bootstrapping, GroupSpecifier, NetConnections, and everything else. Woo hoo!

Video 1: Real-Time Media Flow Protocol (RTMFP)
More to come soon...