A simple, jQuery-based Ajax tool

This is a generic AJAX class that can be reused throughout your app. I normally place this within a single file like com.chrisjmendez.AjaxRequest.js, load the script and boom, start making requests.

 * Ajax Request
 * @author @chrismendezinla

var AjaxRequest = {
	start: function( xhrInstance ){
	error: function ( xhrInstance, message, optional ){
	complete: function ( xhrInstance, status ){
		updateLoaderStatus( "", false );
	init: function( url, successCallback){
		//console.log( "ajaxRequest", url );
	        url: url,
			type: 'GET',
	        beforeSend: this.start,
	        success: successCallback,
	        error: this.error,
	        complete: this.complete

function updateLoaderStatus( message, showPreloader ){