Git: Creating a Branch during Agile Sprints
Here's a tip for new developers learning how to use Git for short sprints. The first step is to create a branch.
Step 1 - List Branches
List all of your existing branches.
git branch
Step 2 - Create a New Branch
Add a new feature by branching code.
git branch [name_of_your_branch]
Step 3 - Commit Changes
Switch to the branch and check it out.
git checkout -b [name_of_your_branch]
Add files.
git add -A
Commit the files and write a message.
git commit -m 'Describe your changes.'
Step 4 - Merge Branches
Change back to the master branch and merge.
git checkout master
git merge [name_of_your_branch]
Step 5 - Delete Branches
Remove the branch from Github or a remote host.
git push origin --delete [name_of_your_branch]
Remove the branch on your local computer.
git branch -d [name_of_your_branch]
Git Tags
Sometimes your sprints feel like milestones and you'd like to identify it with a tag. Here's how to create a tag.