Using Jenkins to Trigger Rake Tasks

This tutorial will show you how to install Jenkins on Linux Debian using VirtualBox and Vagrant. After you've installed Jenkins server, make sure you have both ruby and rake installed by typing:

Step 0 - Install Ruby and Rake

which ruby
which rake

Step 1 - Install Rake plugin

Once you have Jenkins running, visit and install the Rake plugin.

Step 2 - Create a new Job

Now it's time to visit to create a new scheduled job.

Step 3 - Create a Task

Create a new file within /home/vagrant/.

vi /home/vagrant/Rakefile

Add a rake task within /home/vagrant/Rakefile.

task 'db:migrate' do
   puts 'Hello for Rake!'

Step 4 - Invoke a Rake Task

Scroll down to the Build section and select Invoke Rake.

Tell Jenkins where the Rakefile is located and what task to run.

Step 5 - Manually Run the Task

Select "Build Now" to manually run the task.

Double check the output by clicking on the log beneath "Build History"

Step 6 - Repeat as Needed

If you need to add more tasks, just follow steps 2 - 4 until you've completely automated yourself out of a chore.