#Web 2.0 Generator
5.times do
letters = { ?v => 'aeiou', ?c => 'bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz'}
#p letters
word = ""
i = 0
'cvcvc'.each_byte do |x|
#puts x
source = letters[x]
#<< concatenates or appends
word << source[rand(source.length)].chr
puts word + '.com'
require 'open-uri'
open("http://whois.net/whois_new.cgi?d=" + word + "&tld=com") {|f|
@req = f.read
#puts @req
#Return the 1st position where the string is matched
@txt = @req.index("No match")
#puts @txt
if @txt.nil?
puts "Domain is available"
puts "Sorry - Domain is taken"

Deploying Rails 5.x on AWS ElasticBeanstalk using AWS CodeCommit
How to deploy your Rails app on ElasticBeanstalk (including S3 buckets, security groups, load balancers, auto-scalling groups and more) using CodeCommit.

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