How to install Flutter on Mac OSX using Homebrew
Step 0 - Install Homebrew
Here is an article on how to install Homebrew Package Manager.
Step 1 - Install SDKs
iOS & macOS
Visit the Apple Developer
brew install --cask android-studio
brew install --cask android-SDK
brew install --cask android-ndk
brew install --cask flutter
Step 2 - Update Your Path
Mac OS X default can be this.
vi ~/.bash_profile
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## Flutter
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export PATH="`pwd`/flutter/bin:$PATH"
Step 3 - Run Flutter Doctor
flutter doctor
Install Xcode
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/
Accept License
sudo xcodebuild -license
Open an iOS Simulator.
open -a Simulator
Step 4 - Create a Flutter Project
flutter create my_first_app
Step 5: Deploy to iOS Device.
brew install GCC
brew update
brew install --HEAD libimobiledevice
brew install ideviceinstaller ios-deploy cocoapods
pod setup
Step 6 - Android
If you need help, this Stack Overflow is helpful.
flutter config --android-SDK
Step 8 - Start Application
flutter run