Swift: Do Try Catch
I've discovered that there are really two ways to accomplish a Try/Catch strategy in Swift. The first example is technically correct but the "shorthand&...
Digital Product Manager & Social Entrepreneur. Mostly write about AWS, Swift, R, and Ruby.
I've discovered that there are really two ways to accomplish a Try/Catch strategy in Swift. The first example is technically correct but the "shorthand&...
Rails Fragment caching on a Heroku dyno.
Here's a process I've found for upgrading your database on Heroku. There are many more commands and I highly suggest reviewing the Heroku Documentation...
Today I needed my Rails app to look at it's own production URL and capture the HOST information. After spending an hour looking for an answer,...
When I'm building a new app, I prefer to populate my site with fake data so that I can see how the app actually starts responding...
There are a lot of different ways to complete a loop. Here's a list of the most popular ones. Loop Loop in increments of 2 until...
With Rails 5, the deployment process to Heroku has gotten even easier. Here are the steps to publishing a new Heroku app without using a one-click install. STEP...
Heroku uses Git for version control and collaborative coding. Below are a few helpful commands plus a better process for app development.
Shortlist of probing questions I suggest new founders ask while interviewing their first software engineer or CTO.
Here's a tip for new developers learning how to use Git for short sprints. The first step is to create a branch. Step 1 - List...