See what we’ve written lately

5 Experiences that Lead to Promotion
If you are a new or existing manager looking for ways to earn a promotion, learn to look for these five types of business problems.

Finance: Calculating Annuities using ES6
Annuities are cool. They're fixed payments over a period of time. If you're living in England, there's another financial product called a...
Statistics: Calculating Probabilities using ES6
Suppose you wanted to calculate the percentage of men that weigh inbetween 140 and 170 lbs. This is possible if you carry a few data points such as...
Finance: College Fund and Loan Amount Estimator using Es6
Similar to my previous article, here are some formulas that can help you estimate how much you need to save for your kid's college tuition or...
Finance: Calculating Present and Future Value using ES6
How to calculate Present and Future value using ES6.

Should I Do This?
I was watching a video from Dan Applebaum and his response to the question "Should I do this?" caught my attention. The interesting part is how...
AWS Elemental
Amazon acquired a company called Elemental [https://techcrunch.com/2015/09/03/amazon-acquires-elemental-technologies-for-a-reported-500-million-in-cash/] back in 2015 and has now released a suite of products to help broadcasters (big...
How Web Development Has Changed
My professional journey of what it's been like to code since 1997.
Calculating startup value
How to calculate sweat equity amongst co-founders in a clean and simple way.