24 postsDocker, Openshift, Git, Gulp, Grunt, Puppet, Amazon Web Services, EC2, S3, Lambda

Using an ORM with NodeJS
I've written a lot about building REST API's and a few of my favorite include Rails-only API [https://www.chrisjmendez.com/2016/07/04/...
NodeJS: How to fix localhost Error: listen EADDRINUSE
If you're using NodeJS, sometimes you'll get an error like this: Error: listen EADDRINUSE :::5000 at Object.exports._errnoException at exports._exceptionWithHostPort at Server....
Common Open SSL Commands
Deprecated Openshift v2.0 has now reached End of Life [https://blog.openshift.com/migrate-to-v3-v2-eol/] and will be replaced by v3.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Below are all the commands...
Radio: Fetching album artwork using beets
You will need the requests library to capture album artwork from Fetch Art [http://beets.readthedocs.io/en/v1.3.17/plugins/fetchart.html]. pip install requests Install...

Using Rake Tasks for Mac OSX
Here are a few of my favorite commands for Mac OS X, Ruby on Rails and AWS Lambda development.

Install Let's Encrypt SSL on Wordpress Lightsail or EC2 by Bitnami
We are going to use Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority [https://letsencrypt.org/] to create and install a free SSL certificate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1 - Log In...

Running S3 on your local computer
Lately, I've been experimenting with AWS S3, EC2, and Lambda and the process is pretty great. That said, I don't feel comfortable wasting compute...

Install GoDaddy SSL on Red Hat Openshift
Deprecated Openshift v2.0 has now reached End of Life [https://blog.openshift.com/migrate-to-v3-v2-eol/] and will be replaced by v3.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Hat Openshift [https://www....
How to install ASP.NET on Mac OSX
Why? I know, I never thought the day would come where I would need to give ASP.NET a try but hey, it's 2016 and times...
How to install NVM with 1 line of code
This one line will install the shell script found below created by @creationix
What is DHCP?
DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Its most popular function is dynamically assigning IP addresses to devices within a network....