For Developers
230 postsIdeas, findings, thoughts and discussion focused on the technology and how to make things work.

Installing Vue + Rails 5.x
How to install Vue.js framework on Ruby on Rails.

Finance: Calculating Annuities using ES6
Annuities are cool. They're fixed payments over a period of time. If you're living in England, there's another financial product called a...
Statistics: Calculating Probabilities using ES6
Suppose you wanted to calculate the percentage of men that weigh inbetween 140 and 170 lbs. This is possible if you carry a few data points such as...
How to encrypt a USB thumb drive on Mac OS High Sierra using Command Line
How to encrypt a USB thumb drive with HSF+ (Journaled) using Disk Utility and Terminal. WARNING This article will teach you how to encrypt your drive as HFS+...
R: Create Interactive Charts using R and Shiny
Shiny is a package within R that helps data scientists and developers create interactive web applications. Are you a data scientist who knows R but can't...

NodeJS: Creating a Single Page Web App Development Environment
Run HTML5 Boilerplate code from a web server within seconds.