For Developers
230 postsIdeas, findings, thoughts and discussion focused on the technology and how to make things work.
Simple Sendgrid Example using Node
Sendgrid offers a robust API for sending and managing emails. Let's walk through a step-by-step guide on how to create a simple Sendgrid app using NodeJS.
Rails: List Objects Using Rails Console
I was looking for a way to get a collection of every model using the Rails console. Here are a few simple ways to do it. Step 0...
Using Jenkins to Trigger Rake Tasks
This tutorial [] will show you how to install Jenkins on Linux Debian using VirtualBox and Vagrant. After you've...
Rails: Running a scheduler
Heroku offer's a pretty nifty scheduler [] add-on for running jobs on your app at scheduled time intervals, much like cron...
AWS: Managing AWS Client Profiles
The AWS command line client allows you to manage your AWS services from your local computer. If you only have one AWS account, then you might be fine...
Git: How to publish your existing app to Github
If you have an existing web app you want to publish to Github, here's how. Step 1 Create a new Github Repo []...
Git: Using Tags to mark milestones
Tags are useful for recording milestones in your code. It's a stable point in your code. List Tags git tag -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create Tags Create a Basic...
Ruby: Converting XML to JSON
Today I was asked to convert an XML file full of e-mail addresses into JSON. I thought this solution might help others learn how to create an XML,...
Swift: Do Try Catch
I've discovered that there are really two ways to accomplish a Try/Catch strategy in Swift. The first example is technically correct but the "shorthand&...
Heroku: Working with Memcache
Rails Fragment caching on a Heroku dyno.
Heroku: Upgrading your database
Here's a process I've found for upgrading your database on Heroku. There are many more commands and I highly suggest reviewing the Heroku Documentation...
Heroku: Dynamically capture your Dyno URL
Today I needed my Rails app to look at it's own production URL and capture the HOST information. After spending an hour looking for an answer,...
Rails: Populating Your Database using Seeds.rb
When I'm building a new app, I prefer to populate my site with fake data so that I can see how the app actually starts responding...
Ruby: Loops
There are a lot of different ways to complete a loop. Here's a list of the most popular ones. Loop Loop in increments of 2 until...