Heroku: How to Publish an Existing Rails App
With Rails 5, the deployment process to Heroku has gotten even easier. Here are the steps to publishing a new Heroku app without using a one-click install. STEP...
Ideas, findings, thoughts and discussion focused on the technology and how to make things work.
With Rails 5, the deployment process to Heroku has gotten even easier. Here are the steps to publishing a new Heroku app without using a one-click install. STEP...
Heroku uses Git for version control and collaborative coding. Below are a few helpful commands plus a better process for app development.
Here's a tip for new developers learning how to use Git for short sprints. The first step is to create a branch. Step 1 - List...
We are going to use Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority [https://letsencrypt.org/] to create and install a free SSL certificate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step 1 - Log In...
Deprecated Openshift v2.0 has now reached End of Life [https://blog.openshift.com/migrate-to-v3-v2-eol/] and will be replaced by v3.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I primarily use Openshift for...
I doubt many people will need this but here are a few neat things you can do with Ruby. I won't go into great detail but...
I normally use Heroku [https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-nodejs#introduction] or Openshift [https://www.chrisjmendez.com/2012/04/29/expressjs-app-with-mongodb-on-openshift/] to publish apps but AWS works too....
Deprecated Openshift v2.0 has now reached End of Life [https://blog.openshift.com/migrate-to-v3-v2-eol/] and will be replaced by v3.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Openshift comes with Git and...
Thanks to some metaprogramming magic, whenever you create a column within a table, you get a free find_by_[name of column] method. Create a new Friend model...
Here are a few themes I like for Mac Terminal. If you're not a fan of Terminal itself, I also suggest looking into iTerm2 [https://www....
!!! DEPRECATED !!! This article was designed for older versions of Ghost such as Ghost 0.11.1 [https://dev.ghost.org/ghost-0-11-1/]. If you are planning to install the...