For Developers
230 postsIdeas, findings, thoughts and discussion focused on the technology and how to make things work.
MongoDB cheatsheet
I can never seem to remember all the commands I need to build a simple Express API app using Mongo. If anyone is reading this, please share how...
Rails: Installing RoR using RVM
There are many ways to install Ruby on Rails but the current trend is to use a package manager to keep things in order. The best two options...
Troubleshooting, Bug Fixing and Performance
I come across tools all the time. Tools to help me build, tools to help me maintain, tools for optimization, tools to measure performance, tools to measure audience...
How to install Drupal Commerce on your local machine
Steps 1. Download and Install Acquia Dev Desktop. []. It's like MAMP/WAMP but for Drupal (DAMP). 2. Download Commerce Kickstart (includes...
Should you be practicing right now?
Should I be practicing right now?
AWS: Create a simple EC2 web server
This entry is intended to show how to create an EC2 instance from within a Virtual Private Network. What is a VPC? Virtual Private Cloud is a full...
Android Development with React Native on a Mac
How to start ReactNative development on a Mac using Homebrew package manager.
Running S3 on your local computer
Lately, I've been experimenting with AWS S3, EC2, and Lambda and the process is pretty great. That said, I don't feel comfortable wasting compute...
Install Ruby using Brew or Github
This article is for developers interested in installing two different versions of Ruby on their system. Method 1 We'll use brew package manager to help you...
Curated List of web scraping tools for NodeJS
Curated list of web scraping tools for NodeJS developers.
Installing WordPress on EC2 using Bitnami package
I've spent many years installing and configuring WordPress blogs on EC2, and here's generally how things start. Manual Install First download these tools: # Apache2...
Bootstrap Tools
Here are a list of companion tools I use for Bootstrap. * List of Twitter bootstrap resources [] * Everything I need [
Install GoDaddy SSL on Red Hat Openshift
Deprecated Openshift v2.0 has now reached End of Life [] and will be replaced by v3.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red Hat Openshift [https://www....
How to create an iOS Splash Screen or Launch Image using NodeJS
So far I've discovered three different ways to create a Launch Image (aka Splash Screens) for iPhone and iPad. The first two methods are for designers...
Decompiling your iPhone app
If you ever end up losing your source code and you have no other option than decompile your iPhone app, here are a list of tools: * Class Dump...
How to install ASP.NET on Mac OSX
Why? I know, I never thought the day would come where I would need to give ASP.NET a try but hey, it's 2016 and times...
Javascript closures
There are many good reasons to use a closure but I often forget it's syntax. Below are a few common use cases and examples. Counting Numbers...
Single-page Web Application Advanced
Photographs courtesy of:...
Single-page Web Application using jQuery
Names of Famous Composers:...
Creating a QR reader using Processing
This entry will show you how to create a QR reader using a live webcam feed. Install Processing Option 1: Manual Download Processing 2.2.1 Disk Image...
Swift: Simple GET Request
A simple GET request using Swift. //: Playground - noun: a place where people can play import UIKit class Test { init(path:String){ getRequest(path) } func getRequest(path:String)...