18 postsThe best package manger for Mac OS X.
Installing Weka on OS X
Weka [http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/downloading.html] is a data-mining tool that can help you build out decision trees using Java. I will write...
Manage MySQL, MongoDB and PostgreSQL using Homebrew Services
Homebrew [http://brew.sh/] is excellent for downloading and installing packages but even better for managing local databases for development. The interface is known as Homebrew Services. If...
Installing Ghost Blog v0.11.x on your local computer (Deprecated)
!!! DEPRECATED !!! This article was designed for older versions of Ghost such as Ghost 0.11.1 [https://dev.ghost.org/ghost-0-11-1/]. If you are planning to install the...
Install Ruby using Brew or Github
This article is for developers interested in installing two different versions of Ruby on their system. Method 1 We'll use brew package manager to help you...
How to install ASP.NET on Mac OSX
Why? I know, I never thought the day would come where I would need to give ASP.NET a try but hey, it's 2016 and times...