80 postsJavascript, jQuery, NodeJS, Angular

Installing Vue + Rails 5.x
How to install Vue.js framework on Ruby on Rails.

Finance: Calculating Annuities using ES6
Annuities are cool. They're fixed payments over a period of time. If you're living in England, there's another financial product called a...
Finance: College Fund and Loan Amount Estimator using Es6
Similar to my previous article, here are some formulas that can help you estimate how much you need to save for your kid's college tuition or...
Finance: Calculating Present and Future Value using ES6
How to calculate Present and Future value using ES6.
AWS: How to create your first Alexa skill
How to create your first Alexa skill –with pictures!
AWS: Understanding Alexa's Key Concepts
A glossary of Alexa terms you need to know before you start developing skills.
AWS: How to get one lambda to trigger another lambda
This lambda will trigger the second lambda. Step 1 - Configure IAM First create an IAM role that will allow you to not only trigger a lambda but...
NodeJS: Creating a Single Page Web App Development Environment
Run HTML5 Boilerplate code from a web server within seconds.

Typescript Bundle for Textmate
Here's my attempt to offer code highlighting to Textmate users working with Typescript. I'm positive there is a better way to do this so...