Music Industry
22 postsThe music industry is this complex world made up of a dozen different stakeholders, high risk investments and unforgiving outcomes which stand on the shoulders of complex law. Good stuff.

Radio: How to submit your podcast to iTunes and Spotify
Sometimes you need to self-host your own Podcast files and feed. Here's how using Amazon Web Services.

Types of Digital Radio Apps
I've been working in radio for 7 years and over that time people, have asked me how many types of radio apps I can actually make....
Moodles Real-time MIDI Composer Deep Dive
Moodles, a first-of-its-kind musical instrument app for kids to compose music without the banality of classes. Built using Swift, AudioKit, and Firebase.
What is ISRC?
ISRC stands for International Standard Recording Code [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Standard_Recording_Code] is pretty much like the audio equivalent of a GS1 US [https:...

Interesting Music Projects
Here are a list of interesting music projects. Classifiers and Curators * Music Map [https://developers.musimap.net/] is attempting to create a database that organizes music into emotional...
Curated list of audio frameworks and libraries for iPhone and OS X
A curated list of awesome audio frameworks, libraries, and software for iOS, Mac OSX and tvOS. Audio Production * AudioKit for iOS and OS X [https://github.com/audiokit/...
Curated list of audio frameworks and libraries for Web
A curated list of awesome HTML + JavaScript frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-php [https://github.com/ziadoz/awesome-php]. Audio Production * Melody Maker [https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/Melody-Maker]...
Curated list of audio frameworks and libraries for Android
Creating an audio app for Android requires you to use libraries written in Java. This curated list is aimed at helping developers (both new and established) discover the...

Surf rock, space pop, and all things Spotify
The "What's new" section of Spotify isn't doing it for me. It offers very little considering how open I am to them,...
Headless Spotify Player
This is such a great idea. I've got to make this one day. Headless Spotify player [http://tapmantwo.blogspot.com/2013/04/building-headless-spotify-player-using.html]...
Everything is a Remix
"Dazed and Confused", "Stairway to Heaven", "Bring it on Home" might not be as original as you think....
Making digital experiences better
This project is incredible. It really captures my mind and helps me understand the new generation of digital products that contain an analog experience. > "We'...
On being a DJ
A few of my favorite quotes on being a DJ. Focus > Focusing on doing one thing 100%. Too many ideas confuse people. – DJ Nu-Mark (2004 [http://www....
Cloud computing & song scrobbling on Last.fm
I'm extremely late to this whole Last.fm thing, but then again, I'm not sure if I've missed much. From what I...
@spotify vs @rdio
First, I have to say; I love @Spotify. I fell in love with the software while I was visiting a friend in London. He just had all this...